外贸知识100问之88,应该怎么让客户快点下单?我的一个客户, 每次谈判到关键时刻, 而他又不同意我们的意见的时候, 他就沉到邮箱后面, 一言不发,直到我妥协为止。这已经发生好几次了。
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现在快下订单的时候, 他又提出:如果预付款30%,我们还要给他降价。我应该用什么方式让他快点下订单呢?他已经把我们逼到底线了.
Dear Mr <Customer Name>
How are you toDay? hope you are doing great!
Ref. our product #XXXX (item no. and name) that you are intereted to purchase XXXX.XPCS. we are well informed that you need a discount to finalize this project. as you kn.w, we DO cherish the chanCE to cooperate with you. that's why i had just talked with my general manager about this issue. and i am really depressed to inform you the below news: that the price we quoted to you in my last email is our boTTom-price. any discount will cause deficit in our finance.
it was really nice to cooperate with you so far, and we truely wish that we could begin cooperation upon this project. if you could not accept the last price we OFfered to you. then i hope other products of us would fall into your business line some day hence we will have another cooperation soon in the near future!
I am sincerely awaiting for your earliest feedback!
Best Regards
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文章统计信息:文章《外贸知识100问之88,应该怎么让客户快点下单》由周林于2019年03月14日发布,共1321个字,已有 人阅读,归类于外贸100问目录下,更多相关内容请点击下方标签,即可快速查找与文章《外贸知识100问之88,应该怎么让客户快点下单》相关内容。