外贸知识100问之59,在确认包装及MARKS时,需要注意哪些细节?客户不理解我的意思,内附邮件请高手帮忙!情况: 我有一客户单已经下了,LC也开来了,我们现在还在确认包装及MARKS.客户给我们下的单是8款产品,如果要印刷礼品盒就要出片(出菲林)符合客户要求那就算了,万一不符合,那都是涉及到费用的问题.而且再说还没和客户确认颜色及要印刷的内容.什么印刷彩盒啊?
Dear Judy
Thanks for your msg
you will reCEive the lc soon - toDay or tomorrow
please e/m the size for the color straong gift box
And quality pictures for the gift box
Best regards
因为我客户之前给我寄了个样品盒,但是没告诉我印刷什么标志.只是说要the pack must be a color gift box ( we will send you a sample OF the pack) with shining lamination, please understand that the pack must be in high quality with coating made from very stiff carton a "E-FLUTE 2MM+BACK CRAFT(BROWN) SHINING LIMINATION and without any wrinkles.
Dear fek,
Thank you for your the mail.
The size of the color gift box:
Please help me to confirm the following prOBLem, thanks
We are waiting for the pictures of this items
1.design and color of the color gift box should be the same sample box
We will send to you the color graphics of the gift box
2.please offer the LOGO you want to print on the color gift box.
we are waiting for the quality photos of this items
Pls confirm asasp.thank you.
Best regards,
Judy Chen
Dear fek,
How are you ?
pls see the aTTachement .Color box quality and specification
are the same as the white box of the attachment.Please confirm it.
and pls confirm design and letters of the gift box.pls bcs we will print it.
we are waiting for the color graphics of the gift box.
thank you!
Best regards,
Judy Chen
Dear Judy
Please email quality photo of each item.
Please inform the size for the gift box: Hight, Length, width
Best regards
我该什么办 啊?客户好象没理解我的意思,是我没说清楚还是客户没理解...请大家告诉我,我该什么写一份邮件让客户明白我的意思,让客户给我彩盒的设计稿.(注:客户给我寄的样品盒有印刷他们国家的语言)
在每次接到要求专板包装的单子时,一定要提醒客人务必提供包装设计的AI或CDR文档(AI文档是由Adobe Illustrator 生成的,cdr是由coraldraw生成的,都是矢量软件下的文件,只有这样的文件才能直接出菲林)
3.你犯了一个错误:在接单,确定L/C之前就必须落实好客人到底能不能提供包装AI(CDR)假如能提供,要收到可用的CDR之后再确定L/Cdraft. 假如不能提供,由于修改L/C会拖时间并产生费用,L/C上的金额有可能会变动,交货期你要留足时间。因此确定L/C稿的时侯必须是什么都确定好的时侯。
另:在你接到国内银行L/C通知之前你有没有让客人先传L/C draft过来给你确定?这一步一定不能少。一方面节省客人改证费,另一方面防止软条款,保障自已的利益。
Dear MrXXX.
Thanks for your last Email
Please be informed that you are requested to send us the Ai or cdr file for the package. othewise we will waste time and money in revise and confirm the package. Your kindly understanding is much appreciated. the unit size of the pacakge is : XX(length) *XX(height)*XX(width) (有必要的话可以发一个示意图给他们,另:这个尺寸必须来自设计部,不能自己量,那样不准的。)
i am sincerely looking forward to your earliest feedback!
Dear Mr XXX.
Thanks for your fast feedback!
Ok. we we make the pacakge for you. however, you are requested to send us a WORD FormAt file for the language showed on the package because we do not understand them. and please be informed that in such condition, we will spend much time on package revision and confirmation. therefore, the lead time showed in L/C will be requested to change into XX/XX/07 because we will need appr. XXdays to finish package confirmation.
Your kindly understanding is much appreciated!
Please kindly confirm this is acceptable so that i can arrange the pacakge design ASAP.
Your soonest reply is much appreciated!
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文章统计信息:文章《外贸知识100问之59,在确认包装及MARKS时,需要注意哪些细节》由周林于2019年03月18日发布,共3604个字,已有 人阅读,归类于外贸100问目录下,更多相关内容请点击下方标签,即可快速查找与文章《外贸知识100问之59,在确认包装及MARKS时,需要注意哪些细节》相关内容。