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时间:2021-07-22人气: 作者:

English homours 英语 幽默

A western store ran the following advertisement:

"Apples, oranges, imported nuts. Come early and avoid the rush. The early bird gets the worm."


1. to run the following advertisement:登载下面一则广告。

2. imported nuts: 进口胡桃

3. Come early and avoid rush. 欲购从速,以免拥挤。

4. The early bird gets the worm. 捷足先登(先下手为强);但它的字面意思是:早来的鸟可得到虫子。

A Married Man is Preferable

"Just why do you want a married man to work for you, rather than a bachelor?"Asked the curious chap.

"Well," sighed the boss, "the married men don't get so upset if I yell at them"


1. preferable: 更好的

2. rather than a bachelor: 而不是单身汉

3. curious chap: 好奇的家伙

4. upset: 心绪烦乱的

5. yell at:对…吼叫

A Tried and Trusted Employee

"I used to know Mr. Smith, who was with your firm. I understand he is a tried and trusted employee…"

The banker looked at his questioner coldly.

"He was trusted, yes; and he will be tried, if we're fortunate enough to catch him."


1. a tried and trusted employee: 可靠的雇员

2. used to know: 以前认识

3. questioner: 询问者

4. and he will be tried, if we're fortune enough to catch him. 如果我们走运把他抓住,他将接受审判。 Tried在这句话中是try的过去分词,意为:"审问","审判";它做形容词时为"可靠的,可信赖的"之意。

How Did You Make Your Fortune?

"How did you make your fortune?"

"I became the partner of a rich man; he had the money and I had the experience."

"How did that help?"

"Now he has the experience and I have the money."


1. to make a fortune:发财

2. the partner of a rich man: 一个有钱的合股人

How did that help? 那顶什么用呢?

The Legend on the Salary Receipt Forms

A certain firm had the following legend printed on its salary receipt forms:

"Your salary is your personal business, and should not be disclosed to anyone."

The new employee, in signing the receipt added: "I won't mention it to anybody. I'm just as much ashamed of it as you are."


1. legend: 说明

2. the salary receipt forms: 工资收据单

3. personal business: 私事

4. to disclose: 泄露

5. in signing the receipt: 在收据单上签名时

6. to mention: 提起,说起

7. to be ashamed of: 为…感到害臊

Were You a Bull or a Bear

"I hear that you dropped some money in Wall Street. Were you a bull or a bear?"

"Neither, just a plain, simple ass."
English homours 英语 幽默

A western store ran the following advertisement:

"Apples, oranges, imported nuts. Come early and avoid the rush. The early bird gets the worm."


1. to run the following advertisement:登载下面一则广告。

2. imported nuts: 进口胡桃

3. Come early and avoid rush. 欲购从速,以免拥挤。

4. The early bird gets the worm. 捷足先登(先下手为强);但它的字面意思是:早来的鸟可得到虫子。

A Married Man is Preferable

"Just why do you want a married man to work for you, rather than a bachelor?"Asked the curious chap.

"Well," sighed the boss, "the married men don't get so upset if I yell at them"


1. preferable: 更好的

2. rather than a bachelor: 而不是单身汉

3. curious chap: 好奇的家伙

4. upset: 心绪烦乱的

5. yell at:对…吼叫

A Tried and Trusted Employee

"I used to know Mr. Smith, who was with your firm. I understand he is a tried and trusted employee…"

The banker looked at his questioner coldly.

"He was trusted, yes; and he will be tried, if we're fortunate enough to catch him."


1. a tried and trusted employee: 可靠的雇员

2. used to know: 以前认识

3. questioner: 询问者

4. and he will be tried, if we're fortune enough to catch him. 如果我们走运把他抓住,他将接受审判。 Tried在这句话中是try的过去分词,意为:"审问","审判";它做形容词时为"可靠的,可信赖的"之意。

How Did You Make Your Fortune?

"How did you make your fortune?"

"I became the partner of a rich man; he had the money and I had the experience."

"How did that help?"

"Now he has the experience and I have the money."


1. to make a fortune:发财

2. the partner of a rich man: 一个有钱的合股人

How did that help? 那顶什么用呢?

The Legend on the Salary Receipt Forms

A certain firm had the following legend printed on its salary receipt forms:

"Your salary is your personal business, and should not be disclosed to anyone."

The new employee, in signing the receipt added: "I won't mention it to anybody. I'm just as much ashamed of it as you are."


1. legend: 说明

2. the salary receipt forms: 工资收据单

3. personal business: 私事

4. to disclose: 泄露

5. in signing the receipt: 在收据单上签名时

6. to mention: 提起,说起

7. to be ashamed of: 为…感到害臊

Were You a Bull or a Bear

"I hear that you dropped some money in Wall Street. Were you a bull or a bear?"

"Neither, just a plain, simple ass."


1. golf: <名词>高尔夫球; <动词>打高尔夫球;(这个 单词 是由green [绿色], oxygen [氧气], light [阳光],和 foot [步履]的第一个字母缩写而成的。)

2. course:球场

3. round: <体育>一

4. stroke: <高尔夫> 击球数;杆数

5. embarrassment:窘迫;尴尬

6. accompany: 陪伴

7. parking lot: 停车场

8. blurt out: 脱口而出

9. transvestite:异装癖者

10. tee: 开球区(开球区上有三组远近不同的开球线。离洞最远的开球线被称为“冠军线”,一般是供最有实力的球员使用;中间的开球线为男子开球线;最前面的开球线为女子开球线。)

Not "How" but "Why"

Critic: "By George, old chap, when I look at one of your paintings I stand and wonder--"

Artist: "How I do it?"

Critic: "No, why you do it?"


1.By George: 确实,的确。表示惊奇或感叹。

2. old chap: 老兄。


Six men who were feeling no pain were staggering down the street about one o'clock in the morning. Laughing and singing loudly, they walked up to a two-story home. One of them managed to make it to the door and pounded on the doorbell insistently. A light came on in an upstairs window.

The spokesman for the group yelled up,

" Is this where Mr. John Smith lives?"

"Yes, it is. What do you want?"

" Are you Mrs. Smith?"

" I am. What do you want?"

"Could you come down here and pick out Mr.Smith so the rest of us can go home?"


1. stagger: 踉踉跄跄地走

2. insistently: 持续不断地

3. spokesman: 发言人;代言人

The Signs

Jones: " Why do you have such misspelled words and bad grammar on the signs in your windows?"

Storekeeper: " So people will think I'm a fool and come in expecting to get the best of me. Thanks to those signs, business is the best I've had in years.


1. sign:招牌,广告(牌)。

2. misspelled words:拼错的字。

3. in your window:在你的橱窗里。

4. to get the best of :得便宜。

Are Those Eggs Strictly Fresh?

Customer: "Are those eggs strictly fresh?"

Grocer (to his clerk): "Feel those eggs, George, and see if they're cool enough to sell yet."

Buying An Antique

Customer: "What! Five hundred dollars for that antique? Why, I priced it last week and you said three hundred and fifty."

Dealer: "Yes, I know; but the cost of labor and materials has gone up so!"


1. antique: 古董,文物。

2. I priced it last week. 我上周问了这东西的价格。

