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时间:2021-07-22人气: 作者:
两岸关系相关的 英语 常用语句

承诺要坚持“一个中国”的原则maintain the adherence to the one-China policy

peace overtures as deceptive talks to fool the Taiwanese public and international opinion发表欺骗性和平论调,愚弄台湾民众和国际舆论。

把台湾从祖国神圣领土中分裂出去it is designed to cut off Taiwan from the sacred territory of the Chinese motherland.

keep a close eye on related developments in the run-up to the referendum alongside the upcoming "presidential'' elections a future independence plebiscite对“公投”的发展倾向表示关切

President Bush has reiterated the U.S. commitment to the three Sino-U.S. Joint Communiqués, the one-China principle, and opposition to Taiwan independence。美国总统布什重申信守对三个联合公报、“一个中国”的原则和反对“台独”的承诺。

Taiwan is an inalienable part of China‘s territory.台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。

There is only one China, and Taiwan is an integral part of China.世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。

The complete reunification of China at an early date is the common aspiration and firm resolve of the entire Chinese people.早日实现中国的完全统一是全体中国人民的共同心愿和坚定意志。

A peaceful solution to the Taiwan question serves the interests of all Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan.和平解决台湾问题符合包括台湾同胞在内的全体中国人民的根本利益。

The greatest threat to peace in the Taiwan Straits is from the splitist activities by the “Taiwan independence” forces.“台独”分裂活动是台海地区和平的最大威胁。

We are firmly opposed to “Taiwan independence”。


"Chinese should not fight fellow Chinese."“中国人不应该打中国人。

The position of the Chinese government on a question of Taiwan has always been consistent.中国政府在台湾问题上的立场是一贯的,即坚持“和平统一、一国两制”的基本方针。

努力构建和平稳定发展的两岸关系Building a Stable、Peaceful and Developmental Cross-Straits Relations

继续推动两岸关系朝着和平稳定方向发展Continue to Promote a Peaceful and Stable Development of Cross-Straits Relations

坚决反对“台湾独立” 促进祖国和平统一Firmly Opposing 'Taiwan Independence' and Promoting a Peaceful Reunification of the Motherland

两岸携手迈入新的发展阶段Stepping into a New Development Stage, Hand-in-Hand Cross the Straits Xu Bodong

“三合一”选举后的对台政策之我见Proposals on Policies toward Taiwan after Taiwan's 'Three-in-One' Election


Chen Shui-bian's Five Symptoms of Fear

剖析台湾的各种社会意识 了解台湾同胞的所想所需Analyze the Various Social Consciousnesses of Taiwan to Understand the Desires and Demands of Taiwan Compatriots

坚冰悄然融化 前景渐露光明―2005年两岸关系综述As Solid Ice Melts, A Bright Prospect Lies Ahead-An Overview of Cross-Straits Relations in 2005

反“独”促统是华侨华人神圣的历史使命Opposing 'Taiwan Independence' and Promoting a Peaceful National Reunification - A Sacred Historic Mission of the Chinese around the Globe

汪辜会谈世纪绝唱 促统英杰佳话长存―深切悼念汪道涵先生' Wang Daohan and Koo Chen-fu Talks' - A Landmark Event in Promoting Peaceful Reunification to be Remembered Forever-Mourn for the Death of Wang Daohan

台湾“三合一”选举后两岸关系蠡测A Forecast of Cross-Straits Relations after the 'Three-in-One' Election of Taiwan

和平的心愿 统一的意志A Wish for Peace, A Desire for Reunification

密切两岸交流 促进国家统一Enhancing Cross-Straits Exchanges, Promoting National Reunification

回忆走过的两党合作历史 携手共建两岸美好未来Passing through History and Working Hand-in-Hand to Create a Beautiful Cross-Straits Future

期待两岸关系的春天Looking Forward to the Spring of Cross-Straits Relations[Denmark]Ma Wenxin

中国统一是全球华侨华人的共同心愿National Reunification - A Common Wish of the Worldwide Chinese


Will Chen Shui-bian Abolish the 'National Unification Council' and the 'National Unification Guidelines'?

门对门 手牵手 心连心 情系情―厦门金门关系的演变及其发展趋势Door-to-Door, Hand-in-Hand, and Heart-to-Heart-The Evolution and Development Trend of the Xiamen-Jinmen Relationships

两岸农业科技牵手 共创互利合作双赢─记海峡两岸农业科技合作高峰论坛Making Cross-Straits Efforts in Agricultural Science and Technology to Achieve Win-Win Cooperation-Summit Forum on Cross-Straits Cooperation in Agricultural Science and Technology

精禽衔石 斗士抗流─怀念杨荫东前辈Making Unremitting Efforts for the Realization of Peaceful Reunification-In Commemoration of Yang Yindong

河洛文化与妈祖文化Heluo Culture and Matzu Culture

中国和平统一促进会章程Regulations of CCPPR

中国和平统一促进会负责人就陈水扁终止“国统会”发表谈话CCPPR Remarks on Chen Shui-bian's Termination of 'the National Unification Council(NUC)'

深入贯彻胡锦涛总书记关于新形势下发展两岸关系的“四点意见” 坚决遏止“台独”分裂活动―在中国统促会七届二次常务理事会上的讲话Thoroughly Carrying out CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao's 'Four-Point Guideline' on Cross-Straits Relations under the New Circumstances, Firmly Restraining 'Taiwan Independence' Activities―Speech at the 2nd Session of CCPPR's 7th Managing Directors Assembly

贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记“四点意见” 把寄希望于台湾人民的工作做到实处Implementing the 'Four-Point Guideline', Deepening the Work of Placing Hopes on the People of Taiwan

发挥藏学研究民间性优势 积极开展反“独”促统工作―在中国统促会七届二次常务理事会上的发言Giving Play to the Advantage of Tibetology among the People, Sparing No Effort to Oppose 'Taiwan Independence' and Promote National Reunification―Perceptions from the Study of the 'Four-Point Guideline'

理性、灵活、务实的政策与措施―在中国统促会七届二次常务理事会上的发言Rational, Flexible, and Pragmatic Policy and Measure―Perceptions on Hu Jintao's 'March 4 Speech'

化“四点意见”为中华民族的精神力量 努力推动两岸早日实现和平统一Converting the 'Four-Point Guideline' into Spiritual Strength of the Chinese Nation, Promoting a Peaceful Reunification across the Straits

历史性突破 纲领性文件―纪念“八项主张”发表十一周年和“四点意见”发表一周年Historic Breakthroughs, Guideline Documents―In Honor of the 11th Anniversary of the 'Eight-Point Proposal' and the 1st Anniversary of the 'Four-Point Guideline'

“八项主张”和“四点意见”将挫败陈水扁的“台独”伎俩The 'Eight-Point Proposal' and the 'Four-Point Guideline' Will Defeat Chen Shui-bian's 'Taiwan Independence' Trick

中台办、国台办就陈水扁推动“废统”发表谈话The Taiwan Affairs Office of CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Deliver Speeches on Chen Shui-bian's Efforts in Abolishing 'NUC'

中台办国台办受权就陈水扁决定终止“国统会”和“国统纲领”发表声明Statements of the Taiwan Affairs Office of CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Chen Shui-bian's Decision of Abolishing 'NUC and NUG'

坚定不移推进祖国和平统一发展进程―在中国和平统一促进会和黄埔军校同学会两岸形势座谈会上的讲话Steadfastly Pushing Forward the Progression of Peaceful National Reunification―Speech at the Symposium of the CCPPR and the Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association on the Cross-Straits Situations

发扬黄埔精神 为祖国统一努力奋斗―在中国和平统一促进会和黄埔军校同学会两岸形势座谈会上的发言Carrying Forward Whampoa Spirit and Striving Hard for National Reunification

反“废统”、反分裂、救台湾―声讨陈水扁声明Opposing 'NUC' Abolishment, Opposing Secession, Saving Taiwan―Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Statement


Deliberately Conceived Risk for 'Taiwan Independence'―On Chen Shui-bian's 'NUC' Abolishment Event

从“终统事件”谈反“独”促统策略On Strategies for Opposing 'Taiwan Independence' and Promoting Reunification from 'NUC' Termination Event


Strongly Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Order of Abolishing 'NUC'

陈水扁“终统”恶行 “台独”之心昭然若揭Chen Shui-bian's 'NUC' Termination Trick Reveals His Conspiracy of 'Taiwan Independence'

声讨陈水扁“废统”的“台独”行径Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Act of Abolishing 'NUC'

彩云不锁乡关梦 台海难分骨肉情―评陈水扁“废统”

Taiwan Straits Will Never Cut Off the Ties of Flesh and Blood―On Chen Shui-bian's Abolishment of 'NUC'

强烈反对“废统”一意孤行 坚决维护和平统一大局Strongly Opposing the Abolishment of 'NUC', Firmly Safeguarding the Peaceful Reunification

“废统”进一步暴露了陈水扁的野心The Termination of 'NUC' Uncovers Chen Shui-bians' Scheme

多事之春 “独”声四起―强烈谴责陈水扁“废统”行为An Eventful Period―Strongly Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Act of Abolishing 'NUC'

“废统”事“独” 陈水扁诚信破产The Abolishment of 'NUC' Bankrupts Chen Shui-bian's Credit

陈水扁背离了台湾人民的根本利益Chen Shui-bian Can Not Represent the Taiwan Populace

海峡两岸和平的根本保障―纪念《反分裂国家法》颁行一周年The Fundamental Guarantee for Cross-Straits Peace―In Honor of the First Anniversary of the Enforcement of Anti-Secession Law

孙中山先生的国家统一思想的现实意义Practical Significance of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's National Unification Thoughts

故乡情 中国心 凝聚成的坚定信念―部分台籍政协委员、人大代表畅谈要为祖国统一而坚决奋斗A Firm Faith Rooted in the Passion for the Motherland―Some Taiwan-Native CPPCC Members and NPC Delegates Express Their Determinations of Striving for National Reunification

从“伦敦演说”解读马英九的两岸政策An Interpretation of Ma Ying-jeo's Cross-Straits Policy from His 'London Speech'

以包容取代对抗 以经济带动政治Replacing Confrontation with Tolerance, Driving Political Progress with Economic Development

听两岸新春讲话 看台海风云变幻A Glimpse of the Changes in the Cross-Straits Relations through New-Year Speeches on Both Sides

陈水扁新春“玩火”孤注一掷Chen Shui-bian Risks All in a Single Venture

海外统促会活动简讯News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils

对陈水扁的两岸政策说不―从300位台商联名签署《台商宣言》谈起Saying No to Chen Shui-bian's Cross-Straits Policy―From the Declaration Jointly Signed by 300 Taiwan Businesspeople

对大熊猫入台说“不”的背后Behind Taiwan's Rejection of Pandas Presented by Chinese Mainland

都是一家人的感觉真好―记2006年台湾少数民族青年学生冬令营A Sweet Feeling Like a Family―2006 Winter Camp for Students of Taiwan Minorities

中国和平统一促进会七届二次常务理事会人事任免名单Personnel Appointment and Dismissal at the 2nd Session of CCPPR's 7th Managing Directors Assembly

